Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Pelosi-Harman Friction strains Democrats' unity

To the editor of the Los Angeles Times;
Twice in five days you have run a front-page story suggesting that the Democratic Party is in trouble because of problems with Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi's leadership. And once again, you have missed the main point.Nowhere in today's front-page story about the differences between Reps. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Jane Harman (D-CA) do you mention the most obvious and significant issue dividing them: the war in Iraq.

Pelosi voted against granting President Bush authority to use force in Iraq and has adamantly opposed the war since the March, 2003 invasion; Harman was a hawk on the war from the beginning and resolutely backed the Pentagon and the intelligence community as the ranking member of the House Intelligence Commitee.In fact, her surreptitious participation in the secret White House briefings which led to the scandal of domestic spying by intelligence agencies without warrants now renders her completely unfit to be the chair of the House Intelligence Committee.

How could Speaker-elect Pelosi possibly be expected to appoint somebody as compromised as Rep. Harman to head up the very agency which will be investigating the misdemeanours of the intelligence community?

-Clive Leeman

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Me vs. Facebook

Me vs. FaceBook -Video sent by omemarian
I came across this young lady a few days ago on the Berkeley campus. She was advocating for more " human and personal interactions" and thought websites such as facebook, myspace and others have created obstacles for people to have a more "personal and real relationship" with each other. Interestingly enough, she was advertising for another website,! Click on her picture to watch the interview

Friday, November 17, 2006


Video sent by omemarian

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Iranian-American Student Abused By UCLA UCPD With Taser GUN

The UCLA police department taser gunned a student several times, inside a library on the UCLA campus. These questionable tactics, recorded on a video-ready cell phone, have angered many Iranian Americas and UC students. The officers shocked Mostafa Tabatabienejad with several thousand volts of electricity many times to coherce him into cooperation. You can read the LA Times article Here.

Watch the entire video Here.

You can read the UCPD statement here.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Koppel on Discovery: Iran

Award-winning journalist Ted Koppel was allowed three weeks of rare access to examine the roots of 27 years of distrust between Americans and Iranians. In KOPPEL ON DISCOVERY: IRAN - THE MOST DANGEROUS NATION, Koppel talks to Iranians in all parts of the country about the harsh rhetoric of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and about his determination to pursue nuclear technology. The two-hour world premiere special airs Sunday, November 19 at 8 PM (ET/PT) on Discovery Channel.

Koppel was able to travel outside Tehran to the holy city of Qom, the old capital Isfahan, to the busy border with Iraq, and into the rural areas that are a significant base of support for President Ahmadinejad. In so doing, he conveys the deep sense of Persian pride in their 2,700-year history and rich culture.


Arash- "Having frightened us, having bullied us, having lied to us, having ignored and rewritten the Constitution under our noses, having stayed the course, having denied you’ve stayed the course, having belittled us about "timelines" but instead extolled "benchmarks," you’ve now resorted, sir, to this?"

Those are the words of Keith Olbermann, the host of MSNBC's Countdown, on the eve of the 2006 midterm elections. Olbermann is one of the few, if not the only, liberal newscasters who openly criticizes the Bush administration. You can watch the entire video here.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Cyrus The Great - Documentary

Arash- Many Iranians feel their history of 2500 years is neglected is the West . There have been several movies made about the ancient Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans but not one motion picture about Persia has ever seen the wide screen.
This Video below is a short clip from a documentary currently being made on Cyrus the Great.

Watch Here.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Grand Old Party

ARASH-The Weekly Standard claims that “the Canadians of American politics are finally back.” I voted Democratic this time to protest the many wrongdoings of the GOP leaders and the Bush administration. I believe in balanced budgets, reducing the deficit, better education for our children and a small government. The Republicans failed me and many other voters on all those counts. When they took power in 1994, the GOP promised change, but Washington changed the GOP. Corruption became the motto of the party and they became involved in some of the most bizarre scandals of modern politics. They lost their credibility not only with the moderate voters but with the conservative base as well.

The Republican defeat of Tuesday was no surprise. The Republican Party abandoned its conservative ideals, small government was chief among them. Over the past 6 years the GOP has been responsible for the expansion of the bureaucracy to an intolerable level. The eavesdropping on American citizens and invading their privacy, voting to legalize torture and the mistreatment of detainees lead many Americans to believe that the GOP does not represent their values. The GOP – Grand Old Party – must change its name to the GOG – Grand Old Government-.

In 1994, after the Republican take over of the House after nearly 50 years of Democratic control, many Democrats justified their Republican votes by saying this: We didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left us. Today many conservatries have a similar justification for their upset votes: We never left the GOP but the GOP left us!

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